India and UAE to Boost Economic Ties: A Win-Win for Both Countries

india UAE trade deal

India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to boost economic ties, with both countries signing a number of agreements in the areas of trade, investment, and energy.

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The agreements were signed during a visit to India by UAE Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The visit was seen as a sign of the strong economic ties between the two countries.

One of the key agreements signed was a free trade agreement (FTA), which will eliminate tariffs on most goods traded between the two countries. The FTA is expected to boost trade between India and the UAE by an estimated $100 billion over the next five years.

The two countries also signed agreements on investment, energy, and technology. In the area of investment, the UAE agreed to invest $75 billion in India over the next five years. The UAE is also a major supplier of energy to India, and the two countries agreed to work together to develop new energy projects.

The agreements signed between India and the UAE are a sign of the strong economic ties between the two countries. The FTA is expected to boost trade and investment, and the agreements on energy and technology are expected to lead to new projects and cooperation.

**Here are some of the key benefits of the India-UAE economic ties:**

* Increased trade and investment between the two countries.

* Creation of jobs and economic growth in both countries.

* Increased cooperation in the areas of energy, technology, and infrastructure.

* Enhanced strategic partnership between India and the UAE.

** The FTA will boost trade and investment, creating jobs and economic growth in both countries. The agreements on energy and technology will lead to new projects and cooperation, further strengthening the strategic partnership between India and the UAE.

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